MTNA Certification
Do you want to promote a more professional image for your music studio? Would you like to be recognized as a nationally certified teacher of music?
Then Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Professional Certification is right for you! Certification is a process that validates an individual’s qualifications for a specific field of professional practice. More savvy parents are seeking well qualified music teachers and are turning to professional organizations like MTNA to find them. Nationally certified teachers are listed in the MTNA searchable database, as well as each state and local associations.

Certification Information
MTNA Professional Certification program is based upon a set of five standards defining what a competent music teacher should know and be able to do. Upon fulfillment of these standards, applicants are granted the MTNA Professional Certification credential with the designation, Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM). All music teachers actively engaged in the profession are eligible for MTNA Professional Certification.
The Five Standards are:
Standard I: Professional Preparation
Standard II: Professional Teaching Practices
Standard III: Professional Business Management
Standard IV: Professionalism and Partnerships
Standard V: Professional and Personal Renewal

Teachers apply for MTNA Certification through one of two ways:
Teacher Profile Projects
Upon acceptance of the certification application, candidates will work through and complete the five Teacher Profile Projects as outlined in detail on the MTNA Certification website. Click the button below to go to the Teacher Profile Projects page. Scroll down to view the Projects Overview for the instruments currently available.
Administrative Verification
Available to full and part-time college faculty. To become nationally certified through this method, an institution’s music executive completes a form, verifying he or she has observed a candidate meeting each of the MTNA professional Certification Standards.

Questions about Certification?
Learn more at http://certification.mtna.org. If you have additional questions or would like help in getting started in the MTNA Certification process, please contact NSMTA Certification Chair, Jennifer Cohen, by filling out the form.