NSMTA Teachers Recital & Luncheon

The annual NSMTA Teachers Recital & Luncheon is held on the second Monday of June. Members and their guests are invited to participate in performance of solo works, chamber music, original compositions, sharing of remembrances and more. The catered luncheon is held on site immediately following the recital.

Please consider attending as a performer and/or an audience member, to join in celebrating our good fortune in being able to belong to NSMTA and the benefits that are given to us through it. Incoming officers are installed and Member(s) of the Year are acknowledged. We hope you can join!

Teachers Recital & Luncheon Chair: Marlene Chatain

You are cordially invited to attend the


Monday, June 9, at 10:30 a.m.

Location and Caterer: To be announced next month

Perform and/or be the audience. Stay for a catered luncheon and enjoy conversations with friends!

I hope that there are a number of members that wish to take part in this wonderful recital. This is a great opportunity to hear beautiful and interesting music and to share conversation over a delicious lunch.

I am very happy that there are three new members who have volunteered to assist with this event. They are Maggie Bottini, Jeong Min Lee, and Devvora Schreier. Thank you!

Teacher Recital and Luncheon Chair,

Marlene Chatain

Current and Past Teachers Recital Programs